
Bedtime affirmations

for relaxed mind to fall asleep easier


Being calm and relaxed is my priority now.

Rest is the first step my healing process.

I am worthy of deep, peaceful sleep.

I am able to make my body and mind relax.

I slow down my breathing. I remain calm, focused and quiet.

I choose to let go of all of my worries. I welcome harmony in my soul.

In my sleep I heal and gain energy for the next day.

In the morning I wake up recharged and motivated.

I am releasing what I don’t need. 

I let this day’s excitement drift away.

I deserve to rest.I fall asleep quickly as I focus on inhaling and exhaling.

I am ready to sleep peacefully and I will get the amount of sleep I need. 

My gratefulness keeps the door opened for more blessing to come to me.


Selfcare affirmations 

to make sure you stay on the right track


I am enough just the way I am.

I am safe and I deserve to be loved.

I am grateful for all that I have in my life right now.

In every day of my life, in each moent I am choosing happiness.

I accept that happiness is my true nature and I find my way to my inner peace.

I am capable of experiencing joy in everything I do.

I am worthy of attracting supporting relationships.

I give myself permission to enjoy my everyday tasks and duties.

I am opened to share my inner peace with others.

I am capable of creating the life I dream of.

I am willing to go the extra mile to make things work.

I am becoming a better person day by day. 

I am always willing to learn.


Affirmations for stress

to support you cope with anxiety naturally


Whenever I realise I start to worry, I give myself permission to STOP.

I don’t worry about imagined scenarios. I can use my time better.

When I feel stresed, I take a moment to pause and take a deep breath.

I quiet my mind and focus on inhaling and exhaling for a few minutes.

I release all tension from my musles: from my neck muscles, from my shoulders, my stomach. I let the stress be lifted away from my arms an legs as well.

I enjoy the feeeling of relaxation.

I inhale peace and exhale release.

I realize that I don’t have to struggle any more. I choose positive, calming thougths that support my inner strenghts.

I let go of all my thought that are weakening me. I make room for empowering, self-loving thoughts. They take me to a better place.

I also let go of worries over things I cannot control.

I envision my best self and imagine I standing in front of a mirror and say to myself: “I love you”.

All is well in my world.



Empowering affirmations 

for getting back to sleep when nighttime anxiety comes


Read this to get back to sleep with peace in your mind:

Calm down. Don’t get stressed over a couple of hours spent awake at night.

It will not make things better.

If you have only 1-2 hours left till your alarm rings, tell yourself this:

My only goal right now is to use my time well.

I listen to the sounds I hear.

I concentrate on the sensations of my body as I lay in bed.

I am at peace and still have a full 1-1-2 hours to relax peacefully.


It is perfectly okay if I don’t fall asleep.

It is also perfectly okay if I fall asleep and have to get up soon:

I will wake up fully recharged and fresh anyway.


It is amazing how little amount of rest or sleep can rejuvenate me.

I get on well with less sleep and as soon as I can, I get more sleep and relaxation the next day.

Read that again

if you need to!

Keep in mind those mantras that resonate with you most.

Wish you peaceful relaxation and mindful surrender!

Tell me about your personal journey!

Would you like to share your story?

Is it about overcoming insomnia or successfully coping with anxiety?

Don't hesitate to write to me!
I am always open to hearing about the experiences of others and how they have navigated through difficult times.

Sharing our stories can be a powerful way to connect and support each other on our journeys.