Sleep well, live well

Welcome to my blog! 

I used to suffer from nighttime anxiety and troubled sleep for 4-6 years in a row, but now I’m a cured insomniac. As a mother of two beautiful kids and a full-time home office employee, I couldn’t afford to feel exhausted, foggy, and edgy every day.

I would like to share some practical tips and bedtime affirmations that may help those who still struggle with similar symptoms. If you’re open to change and willing to do something for your health and well-being, I wish you all the best. If you prefer taking pills, I would encourage you to consider trying new techniques and methods to improve your sleep.

I hope you enjoy reading these tips and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re too shy to leave a comment.


Blog posts - Better sleep

5 tips to weight loss in your sleep

Lose weight in your sleep

5 scientifically proven tips to weight loss associated with sleep habits. Making some minor changes in your day and night to support your weight loss.

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Don't hesitate to contact me!

Tell me about your story! Mail me about how you cope with anxiety, stress and everyday challenges in your life!