Self-Affirmations: Think You Don’t Use Them? Think Again!
We may not even be aware that we use self-talk such as “Oh, silly me!” or “I’m such a hypocrite!” or “How could I be so stupid?” These are just a few examples, you see?
Many of these self-talk patterns come from our childhood. The way our parents, siblings, and teachers talked to us became our own inner voice. This internal self-talk can be loving and supportive, but it can also be cruel, weakening, or truly disturbing.
It’s never too late too change
I encourage you to change your self-talk if it does not support your goal of becoming a happier, more self-caring person. It’s important to be aware of your inner dialogue.
I truly believe that everyone can improve day by day, and positive self-affirmations can work wonders if you are mindful of them.
Awareness is key. Practice daily thought-cleaning. When you have a thought that weakens rather than strengthens you, say “STOP!” and replace it with a positive affirmation that promotes your mental health and well-being.
Positive affirmations – repetition rocks!
The negative affirmations that don’t help you, which may come from family members or friends who actually care about you, were likely repeated over and over for years or even decades.
So this is exactly what you have to do with positive affirmations as well to make them work: tell them to yourself whenever you can.
Motivating affirmations in the morning, bedtime affirmations for better sleep, calming self-affirmations for anxiety and self-loving affirmations when thing get tough.
So that these can slowly but surely become you kind inner voice, supporting you, assuring you, empowering you.
I have selected a dozen lovely self-affirmations for you to use whenever you feel like it. If there are any that particularly resonate with you, use them regularly and stick with them.
You might want to repeat them when performing frequent activities, such as washing your hands, taking the stairs, waiting at the bus stop, or getting into the car. Once it becomes a habit, it will be easier to remember.
My Top List of Self-Affirmations
7 self-affirmations for your peaceful night:
I am grateful for all that have accomplished today.
I hold on to the positive feelings from today.
I release the day and accept that I can go on with my tasks and duties tomorrow.
My mind feels calm and relaxed as I lay down for sleep.
I relax my muscles one by one and let go of all tension in my body as I enter deep sleep.
I will heal and recharge in my sleep.
I get all the sleep I need and wake up rejuvenated in the morning.

7 motivating morning self-affirmations:
I start this day with gratefulness, kindness and confidence.
I get rid of all self-doubt, as it would be in my way in becoming creative, effective and peaceful.
I am focused and ready for the day.
I have everything in me to make this day a great day.
I put my energy into things that actually matter to me.
I take things one thing at a time.
I learn to become a better person every day.