Sleep supplements: should you use them for better sleep?


Sleep supplements, remedies, boosters… There are many products on the market are claimed to be effective in enhancing peaceful sleep.

I know it sounds crazy, but when I decided to write about sleep supplements, I was originally triggered by a question on Quora. In my answer, I also admitted that to this very day, I have never taken any medicine or over-the-counter product to help with my sleep.

I wanted to beat sleeplessness naturally

I suffered from severe insomnia and troubled sleep for many years. It was not pleasant. In fact, it was tiring, awful, depressing and very difficult to live by. But I was so stubborn in not taking any meds or supplements.

I knew I wanted to beat this in my own ways.

Usually, these products are advertised with effects like this:

– “supports healthy cortisol levels”

– “improves adrenal gland function”

– “improves adaptability to stress”

– “contains organic ingredients”

– “might support cognitive function”

– “may support mood enhancement”

– “can calm occasional anxiety” etc.

Everything that you want to hear!

Alternate solutions besides sleep supplements for coping with sleep anxiety

I am not a doctor (currently studying to become a natural healer), but I can offer powerful alternative ways and potential solutions to help you achieve better sleep – similar to what a product might offer.

I believe there are a lot of ways to solve a problem, and if you would like to improve your sleep there are a lot of ways to do that.

Improving cortisol levels

Fixed sleep schedule enhances your cortisol levels. No supplement will help if you do not sleep consistently in the same interval long term.

Not just trying it for a couple of days. I mean sticking to a fixed interval for longer period of time.

Your body, your biology, energy levels etc. will follow, also your hormone levels adjust.

Adaptability to stress, coping with anxiety

Other possible solutions to taking supplements are (they work well for me for years):

1. breathing exercises
2. awareness, focusing on the NOW
3. relaxation techniques, meditation
4. relaxing self-affirmations

Sleep quality improvement without sleep supplements

Your everyday habits and how you spend your day very much determine how you spend your night.

With the following you can help a lot in getting closer to a good nights’ sleep:

1. regular (daily) workout – walk, exercise, any form of movement that you enjoy and find recharging
2. healthy bedtime habits:
3. eating light dinner early without meat
4. no light-emitting devices 1 hour before bedtime
5. going to sleep with gratitude and positive thoughts
6. drinking herb tea that enhances sleep

Why choose the difficult path without sleep supplements?

I believe it’s beneficial to try alternative methods before purchasing a sleep supplement and consult a sleep specialist or your GP beforehand.

Your age, lifestyle, daily habits, family situation, and other factors significantly impact your sleep quality, and while some you can influence, others you cannot.

Improve the aspects that you can control consciously. With sufficient time, you will see progress. Overcome the problem without medication or sleep supplements and enjoy the satisfaction.

I wish you all the best in making the right choice and experiencing development soon!

Consider trying the above techniques first, but seek professional help and approval from your doctor if they don’t work.

Don’t suffer unnecessarily; find a doctor-approved sleep supplement to prioritize your health.

But personally, as a start I’d always go for the most natural way – not the easiest way is the most beneficial long term.

I am a mother of two beautiful kids who strives to infuse creativity into everything I do. As a former insomniac, I am happy to share practical advice and positive affirmations to help you sleep better, based on my own 4-6 year struggle with nighttime anxiety.

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